2019년 10월 18일

금요아침영어, 'May I take your order?' - 10/18(금)

Good morning everyone,

10월 18일 금요일, 오늘 아침 기온이 15도, 낮 최고 기온이 19도의 도쿄의 아침입니다!
영어 회화Yes, you can!

[식당에서 주문하는 장면]

A : (웨이터) 
May I take your order?
Are you ready to order?
What would you like to have?

B: (손님)
Yes, I'd like the chili crab pasta.
Could you have a few more minutes, please?

A: (웨이터)
Would you like something to drink?
What would you like to drink?

B: (손님)
Yes, I'd like an orange juice, please
I'll have a lemon juice, please

A: (웨이터)
Would you like soup or salad?

B: (손님)
I'd like crispy chicken salad, please
I'll have mushroom soup, please

A: (웨이터)
What kind of dressing would you like with that?

B: (손님)
I'd like French
I'd like Italian

A: (웨이터)
Would you care for some dessert?

B: (손님)
Yes, I'd like a cheesecake
No, thank you.

멋진 가을하늘과 흰구름

지지난주 토요일 산악회 회원들과 등산중에 찍은 사진 

A: May I take your order?
B: I'd like a cheeseburger, please
A: Would you like anything to drink?
B: Yes, please. I'd like a coke
A: Would you like salad or dessert with that?
B: No, thank you. I'll just have the burger and drink.
A: All right, sir. That's $6.50

Have a nice day! ( 좋은 하루 되세요! )

친구에게 추천하기ytkim5@yahoo.co.kr  '추천합니다'라고 메일 주시면 됩니다(무료입니다)!

1. 'Today's English from Tokyo' 2808번째 아침 메일입니다.( since 2008/10/24 )
2. 현재 일본 도쿄에서미국-프랑스계 통신회사 재직.
3. 한국 외국어 대학교 TESOL 사이버 대학원 졸업

5영어공부, 2019 올해는두번 다시 중간에 포기하지 않겠습니.

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