2008년 12월 3일

08/Dec/03 Wed Today's English ( do ...harm/good/damage )

Good morning all,


It is beautiful sunny this morning and warmer than

yesterday. Daytime high will be about 15 degrees,

which is 4 degrees higher than yesterday here in


Here is today's english!


unit 323


The economist warned, " A partial treatment for the

serious but stable condition would do the economy

more harm than good."


그 경제학자는 " 심각하지만 안정된 상황에 부분적인

조처를 취한다면 경제에 도움이 되기보다는 오히려

해가 될것이라고 경고했다.

( current economy condition is serious and unstable! )


Words,Phrases & Patterns

> economist ; 경제학자

> treatment ; 조치, 조처
> harm ; (명사) 해, 손해

> good ; (명사) 이익,도움이 됨

> do....harm/dood/damage ; ..에 해/도움/손해를 끼치다.

여기서 do....more harm than good 은 do....harm/good

...에 해/이익을 끼치다 의 관용표현입니다.


do a person harm/dood ; ..사람에게 해/이익을 끼차다.

do harm/good to...사람/사물....에 해/이익을 끼치다

의 형태고 쓰입니다. 


아래 예문에서 쓰임새를 이해하세요.



...에 해가되다. 이익이되다  를 나타내고 싶을때는 

이 표현을 써보세요.



(a) Too much drinking will do you harm

(과음은 몸에 해롭다)

(b) The medicine will do you good

(약을 복용하면 좋아집니다)

(c) The hailstorm has done great damage to the crops.

(그 우박은 농작물에 엄청난 피해를 끼쳤다)


Have a great day today!!!


My motto was always to keep swinging.

Whether I was in a slump or feeling badly or

having trouble off the field, the only thing to

do was keep swinging. ( baseball player )

-- In the Chapter 6 of ALL-IN-ONE  --


No challenge, No chance!!!


Should you find this Today's English( Korean & Japanese version ) useful,

further information can be obtained by contacting me. Please feel free

to e-mail me.

English Study Group on every Sat night 21:00 - 23:00 at Shinjuku area!

Please join us for your further English study!

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