2008년 12월 5일

08/Dec/5/Fri Today's English ( beyond description/words/expression)

Good morning all,


In Japan, southern and northern regions except central area

are rainy at the moment and central areas including Tokyo is 

just cloudy this morning but it will be rainy from this afternoon 

according to weather forcast.

Weather is cloudy but it is warm with the daytime

max-temparature of about 18 degrees.

Here is today's english!


unit 204


I went on a trip to rural Iran. The landscape was

beautiful beyond comparision. What made the scenery

second to none were the paddy fields.

( 시골경치의 아름다움! )


Words,Phrases & Patterns

> go on a trip to ;  ...에...여행/출장가다.

> rural ; 시골의
> landscape ; (한눈에 들어오는) 경치,풍경

> second to none ; 누구/무엇에도 뒤지지 않는

> paddy feild ; = rice field, 논

여기서 beyond comparision 의 beyond는 전치사로

..를 넘어서, 초월해서 의뜻입니다. 많이 쓰이는 표현이


beyond comparision ; 그 무엇과도 비교할 수 없는

beyond description/expression/words ; 말로 다 표현할 수 없는

beyond expectation ; 기대치를 넘는

beyond belief ; 믿을 수 없는

beyond endurance ; 참을 수 없는

beyond beyond one's power ; 힘이 미치지 않는

beyond one's control ; 통제할 수 없는


참고로; second to none;

As a dancer, He is second to none

( = Nobody is a better dancer than he is )


아래 예문에서 쓰임새를 이해하세요.



...말로는 다 형용할 수 없는 라고 표현하고 싶을때는 

이 표현을 써보세요.



(a) A personal pain that goes beyond description

(b) Icy air that was cold beyond belief

(c) Dissatisfaction with the government has grown beyond belief

(d) The situation is beyond our control

(e) The bycycle was beyond repair


Have a great day today!!!


I have had dreams and I have had nightmares,

but I have conquered my nightmares because

of my dreams.

-- In the Chapter 2 of ALL-IN-ONE  --


No challenge, No chance!!!


English Study Group on every Sat night 21:00 - 23:00 at Shinjuku area!

Please join us for your further English study!


Should you find this Today's English( Korean & Japanese version ) useful,

further information can be obtained by contacting me. Please feel free

to e-mail me.

180° 달라진 야후! 메일
두둥! 새로운 야후! 메일에서는 메시지를 여기저기 끌어다 놓을 수 있답니다.

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