2008년 11월 27일

08/Nov/27 Thu Today's English ( 키/나이/몸무게가 2배 차이 )

Good morning all,


It is dark cloudy and about 10 degres this morning

here in Tokyo. According to weather forecast, it is rainy

in Seoul today.

Here is today's english!


unit 418


My mother was inclined to approve of my younger

sister's marriage to a man twice her age, while my

stubborn father would not consent to it.


내 여동생보다 나이가 2배 차이나는 남자와의 결혼을, 내

어머니는 승락하려는 쪽으로 기울었으나, 견고한 아버지는

동의하려 안하셨다.

( 나이차가 2배나는 사람과의 결혼?  )


Words,Phrases & Patterns

> be inclinded to ; ..하는쪽으로 기운다,..하는 경향이 있다.

> approve of ; ..를 승락하다
> stubborn ; 견고한

> consent to..; ....에 동의하다

여기서 twice her age 는 그녀 나이보다 2배 많은 을 나타내는

배수 표현입니다. 나이, 키, 몸무게등을 나타내는 age, height,

weight단어 앞에 배수나 분수를 둬서 나타내는 표현입니다.

꼭 age, height, weight, length, size, length, number, amount, rate

의 단어에만 씁니다.


아래 예문을 보면 좀더 이해가 될 겁니다.



나이, 키, 몸무게 의 배수를 나타내고 싶을때는

배수/분수 + 인칭대명사 + age/height/weight 등의 표현을




(a) He is twice my age

(= He is twice older than me )

( = He is twice as old as me )

(b) They have sold five times the number of cars they predicted

(c) My little brother is half my height

(d) India is one-third the size of the United States.


Have a nice day today with a smile !!!


I want each day of my life to see me take

one step forward 

-- In the Chapter 4 of ALL-IN-ONE  --


No challenge, No chance!!!


English Study Group on every Sat night 21:00 - 23:00 at Shinjuku area!

Please join us for your further English study!


You can receive Today's English either in Korean or in Japanese language!

Please let me know if you want both!

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